AS-my story

I've been asked to share/tell my story so I thought I'd just share again on my blog as well for those of you who've just started reading. I'm a mother of 2 beautiful daughters And I have a WONDERFUL husband and BF of 20+ years. Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) was not what I wanted to join my family. About 3/4 years ago I started having terrible pain in my lower back and my hands and feet were so swollen and hurt so much. I went to my PCP and she did TONS of blood work trying to find out the cause of all the swelling and pain. I was checked for everything from lupus to rocky mountain spotted fever! I was referred to a rheumatologist (rheumy) who did an exam, looked over my PCP's records/tests/x-rays and he came to the conclusion that I had fibromyalgia . He started me on "drugs" and I had very negative reactions to every drug he would try and the pain and swelling was only getting worse. All the while my husband is saying you don't have fibro . You need...