AS you can leave now

April is Ankylosing Spondylitis Awareness month--wow! mouthful! Here we are halfway through April and I've really done nothing. Why? Because I have AS! Simple for me to understand and for those that have the disease. Not so simple for those that don't. I would never wish this terrible disease on anyone, but everyday I think "I wish you could understand". I guess it's not possible for anyone to truly understand unless you're going through it--hence the difference between empathy and sympathy. Tomorrow I go for "round 3" of my Remicade infusion--am I excited? um actually, I wish it were now! I've not had any relief so far and I'm hoping the "3rd time is the charm". I'm also hoping for no complications when I whip out a new insurance card-yes, TOTALLY NEW INSURANCE! This literally is a nightmare for someone with my type illness. So for now, I live with AS. Here's my AS awareness---What I'd like for YOU to know-- Every morni...