Horrible month for sure!

Since the last blog, I know forever ago, things with me and this AS of a body has been VERY difficult! Let me back up or start whichever you prefer! Mid April, I am literally hugging a trash-can and trying to manage a terrible stomach virus. Husband comes in and says hes made himself a DRs appointment for this terrible, itchy, painful rash. Turned out he had shingles. I head in for the monthly infusion... If you notice the little cotton taped on my hand--vein blew and this was stick number 2! They find out about hubby's shingles and put me on the biggest horse pill antibiotic ever seen--as a precaution. As soon as I'm over this antibiotic I end up with a bladder/kidney infection. One so severe they were discussing the word hospital?! I couldn't hardly walk from the pain of the kidney's. A shot and prescription and 3 days later an IV of meds and I'm finally on the mend. OK--all you ladies out there reading this--how mu...