
Showing posts from February, 2011

2 Words you don't want the doctor to say....

I haven't exactly been doing to good with this ankylosing spondylitis (AS)! I've been cutting back in all areas of "life" trying to get this disease under control. Even my Rheumy says, "usually my patients get better, not worse". WHAT?! UGH! oh, and that's not the 2 words you don't want your doctor to say because if it were my count wouldn't be correct! So...the 2 words are---aggressive form Rheumy tells me last week that I have an aggressive form of AS. Not really want I wanted to hear. I've been on humira and enbrel which I'm not responding too. So, we're going to remicade IV. That's not a roman numeral! I will take an I.V form of medication now. I am still on methotrexate and will continue it. The pain has been out the "waazoo" lately and I'm praying that this change will be just "what the doctor ordered"?! I'm also praying that insurance will be cooperative and that my cost will not be...