new meds, same ole probs
It's been a whirl-wind at our house lately. We had a wedding for our oldest-- Then one day after the wedding, I moved my youngest to Disney for the college program! I found out right before my daughters wedding that my AS was winning over remicade. The high dose I was on and the fact that I was continually getting worse meant my rheumy wanted to change drugs. So, I'm now on Cimzia injections. I've got a couple more months before we know if it'll work or not. Praying that it will, since it's the last AS approved drug--been through them all! Can I just say that giving yourself injections of medication that is as thick as oil it's NOT fun! I'd much rather have the monthly IV! Then there's the eyes--see with AS there are other problems as well and one of mine, is the eyes. Sometimes folks with AS get iritis but for me, it's inflammation of the eye itself. The AS thinks my eyeball is a joint, which in turn means infl...