
Showing posts from April, 2016

why I blog? just my struggle and story! hoping to help someone!

You may wonder why I blog about this life-long Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) journey that I’m on.   I didn’t just start right when I was diagnosed.   It took me some time to understand what I had just been told and also time to learn what exactly AS was.   I couldn’t even pronounce it!   Why do I have to deal with this for the remainder of my life?   There were so many questions and still to this day, questions seem to arise. My blogging started simply because there were a few of us AS folks who had “found” each other via the internet.   We all seemed to have the same story to tell, but yet in some aspects our stories varied.   The disease itself may vary, but we were all suffering and finding it hard to locate correct information about AS.   We began sharing and even blogging on the same topics.   Even when we all had the same topic, it seemed our “blogs” were different and helpful! During that time of “group” blogging, I realized I ne...