Graduation getting closer and pain getting worse

So it's an exciting time for our family as our oldest is graduating high school. I'm so proud of her success in high school--graduating with honors!

The grad party was very successful and fun, but also very tiring! This week is one filled with emotions--sad she's graduating, happy she's graduating with honors, sad she'll be leaving for college, happy she's going to college--all of which will be even more emotional the day we leave her at college--but anyway, just an emotional time. How does time go by so quickly. When did I blink and my baby turned 18 and is graduating from high school. Seems just unreal!

As for me worst I've been feeling in a while, but also I've been very busy and still have the remainder of the week to get through. I did up my methotrexate and seemed to tolerate it very good so all is good there. I am having a bit more hair loss than usual. Didn't really expect that, but when you have enough hair for 5--a little loss is not noticeable to anyone--except my family when I forget to get the "wad" out of the shower.

My fun part of the week was going to get a handicap parking permit at the tag office. My doctor had already suggested I have this handy for times of need, but I didn't want to ever admit there would be a "time of need". Not for me! With a recent college visit, I realized that walking all over a campus was not something I was able to do. Another reason for my current pain situation! On with the story of the permit...I really am not happy I am getting this and I am a bit embarrassed--I don't know why, but I was! I step to the counter, the lady looks at me and says who's this for? I say me, and she looks at me with the weirdest look all most a look of "whatever".

LET'S GET THIS RIGHT FOLKS...I LOOK HEALTHY! It's what you don't see! It's the daily pain. It's the weekly shots. It's the waking in the middle of the night with's walking and knowing that every step is painful. It's the thought of my spine fusing's called

ANKYLOSING SPONDILITIS or as we (those of us who have it and know it) call it-AS

I have AS but I will NOT let it get me. It can take my body, but not my mind and soul!


  1. Just want you to know its Okay to say I need help.Nothing to be ashamed of at all.And at Chritmas those Handicap Permits are great.HA You can park close to the mall.Oh I know I am kidding but is'nt that what we have to do? Let's always be happy and joke around.Cause when you get serious it just makes everyone sad too.And know I am here for you cause I love you so very much!! Aria's our first to graduate from High School. Exciting!!!!


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