Regrets, I've known a few....
I think for the most part it's safe to say that we all regret something. I regret that I didn't have that dessert...I regret that I had that dessert! ha! Seriously, we do have "things" in our lives that we regret. Maybe it's about regret that you didn't get a certain degree or that you didn't pursue something while you had the chance. You regret that you didn't take that job when you were offered, etc. You regret that when that door was open, you didn't take the chance and walk through it. Living with ankylosing spondylitis causes one to have regrets about--hmmm--different things. Like regretting that you couldn't go to dinner or just didn't feel like "going out" or doing something as simple as sitting outside with your family. Regrets that you couldn't be the mom or wife that you REALLY want to be. Regrets that you truly can't work anymore-so you feel as if you aren't contributing like you should. You ...