New resolutions!

Looking at my last post..Dec 1 so I guess I'm just aiming for monthly here lately.  Well Christmas (holidays) has come and gone.  It was a wonderful time with family.  2011 is gone and 2012 has begun.  I'm not one for making "resolutions" and really think they are a waste of breath!  I feel as we should live each day as if it's our last.  Making every single day count!  Not just Jan. 1st!  I mean seriously how many folks actually keep the resolution they made...I bet it's few to none!

Getting diagnosed with a life changing illness will sure make you "think" about "life" and how you live it!  2011 was certainly challenging financially and physically.  The economy is like a slow sinking ship right now and I really don't see an end at the moment.  So changes were made in that area and you's all good changes.  You don't just buy/spend.  You really focus on things that are needed instead of wanted (big difference here).  I even started couponing.  Why I didn't do this before..DUMB!  Physically the changes keep coming.  I learn daily of my limitations.  It's hard to not do what I want to do and focus on what my "body" CAN do. 

2011 was also a time of loss.  We lost Poppa (moms husband-step dad).  But with this loss comes joy that he is not in pain anymore.   Thankful for eternal life in Jesus.

So for 2012 there are no "resolutions".  It's just continually trying to do better daily.  Focusing on God, family and health like I've been doing.  Continually seeking God's wisdom and grace for each day!  I think if I strive for this, then no need to waste breath on resolutions that are never kept. 

I end with Happy New Year and may God bless you!  And as always, AS has my body, but not me!


  1. Meloni I have have awarded you the Liebster Blog Award, see my blog under Thinking Out Loud

    1. an, I GOT AN AWARD!

  2. I have as also.i cannot move my neck.the government thinks that if you can lift something you are not disabled.Well we know that if we do lift things you will feel worse.You can lift because you have to,garbage, food, some cleaning etc.
    The pain i wouldn't wish on people who spy on me to try and say i am not disabled since i receive ssi.
    I was taking prednisone which made and makes me want to jump out of my skin,i am in the process of getting off that terrible drug which does help, but side effects are worse.
    I hear people complain about their sore backs and i would love to tell them you don't have a clue about sore backs.
    I take about 8 different meds to keep going and enbrel which stopped the progression, but the damage is already done.
    Man, people can be really ignorant about AS and need education on this disability.
    PAIN every single day and you have to lift sometimes because you have to.its not about lifting its about the immune system.Dragging, lethargy and other symptoms.
    I could go on and on about this but i am giving a general idea about AS.


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