
Showing posts from August, 2013

sometimes you just want to say, "you're stupid"

Of all the folks who should be saying those 2 words..ankylosing spondylitis, why don't they?  Who am I referring too, DOCTORS! Ever wondered "how many docs does it take to diagnose ankylosing spondylitis??"  I seriously sometimes wonder.  The problem is there is sooo many autoimmune diseases and sooo little knowledge.  Also, have you ever just wanted to really say how you feel to someone?  I think I'd get in trouble if I said how I feel sometimes. ha So, this post is for those who want to speak your mind--here goes It must be nice to lay around and not go to work--        It must be nice to be able to go to work and not lay here in pain. They say that most illnesses are caused by stress--        It must be nice to live a life stress free, because there are folks that actually have no stress?! You must be feeling better today because you're out and about--       um...

Doing life with AS can be hard

In my last post I talked about my girls and featured the youngest and her struggles as well as success as she's grown into a beautiful young woman.  Today, I'm excited to say my oldest is engaged to a wonderful man (whom we love).  She has an exciting new job as the Marketing coordinator for Key West Aloe.  It's exciting to see how both of my girls are blossoming into young women!!  Planning a wedding with AS is "challenging" at best.  We have a LOT to do over the next year as we prepare for that special day.  When I occasionally wake up throwing up and have no advance notice that this will happen, or have a major flare, it does make me wonder and pray for none of that to happen on days that are "wedding stuff days"!  Then I'm quickly reminded that I have no control over AS, but I know who does and pray for Him to take care of it!  I place my AS in God's hands! My last 6 weeks have been exhausting and stressful.  I've watched my oldest ge...