sometimes you just want to say, "you're stupid"
Of all the folks who should be saying those 2 words..ankylosing spondylitis, why don't they? Who am I referring too, DOCTORS! Ever wondered "how many docs does it take to diagnose ankylosing spondylitis??" I seriously sometimes wonder. The problem is there is sooo many autoimmune diseases and sooo little knowledge. Also, have you ever just wanted to really say how you feel to someone? I think I'd get in trouble if I said how I feel sometimes. ha So, this post is for those who want to speak your mind--here goes It must be nice to lay around and not go to work-- It must be nice to be able to go to work and not lay here in pain. They say that most illnesses are caused by stress-- It must be nice to live a life stress free, because there are folks that actually have no stress?! You must be feeling better today because you're out and about-- um...