Weight loss/gain/bloating/gassiness.....
Don’t confuse inflammation with weight gain/loss and/or bloating Just let that sink in a minute. Some have already stopped reading...if you're wanting knowledge and education of inflammatory disease...continue on... Let me just begin this post by saying…yes! I’m going to make some of you mad and you’ll probably unfollow me on social media…I don’t really care. In a world of be careful what you say or post-- In a world of #metoo--- In a world of “political correctness”---- I see a LOT of folks saying (posting pictures) look at all this inflammation I had and now look at me. Yes! I see you’ve lost WEIGHT, but I do NOT see inflammation. So to kick off this New Year full of get your gut right, drink my drink and/or join the gym and everything will be perfect in your life STOP! JUST! STOP! You are actually insulting those of us who truly suffer from an inflammatory disease; those of us who are PRESCRIBED the only thing that will help with i...