Doctors, new meds, liver failure..oh yea! I have AS!
Monthly rhuemy visit was good. Didn't have to wait to long..let me say that I CAN'T STAND WAITING FOR HOURS...I do want good care and for her to take her time with me, but if you're that type doctor (which all should be) then plain ahead! She informs me that I'm the harder to treat AS patient. I'm not the mild case and I'm not the advanced case..the middle road case. The one that shows some things in the blood work, but not all..that shows little signs of inflamation but everything is HUGE/SWOLLEN... Been on humira for almost a year why is it not working better. Is it the best drug for me? Do I need it? On methotrexate as well. Same questions... Let's figure out how to get your swelling down and the pain better. Sounds GREAT to me!!!!!!!!!!!! We're going to stop humira for a month--see if it's really doing anything. Ok, so let's see either I'll have no change or I'll get worse. Um excuse me..worse? Really? Why wouldn't I want to be in...