
Showing posts from October, 2010

Yes, this gross blog does have to do with AS

So I'm literally recovering from one of the worst weeks I've had...let me start at the beginning, well, actually I'm not even going to start at the "very beginning" because that's really not what I want to post on a blog. I'm not one of those folks who wants the entire world all "up in my business"! But, I do want the entire world all up in ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS (AS). So, skipping to Tuesday which I didn't feel good at all, thinking it was just stress from Monday and not sleeping Sunday or Monday night, and I had a little upset tummy. The bathroom did call me several times. But, again, I'm thinking what did I eat, dang know! Fell asleep sitting up, which again for ASer's is not too bad if you are all propped with pillows in the "right" places, blanket covering me and my dog snuggled up! Let me note the time's 5:30! A bit early, but again as all ASer's know...this happens! Wake Wednesday wi...

Smile, think positive even in bad times

Rheumy visit last Friday went well--as well as can go when you're literally struggling with the level of pain and the meds not quite working. I was on humira and went off all for a month and then changed to enbrel. I've been on enbrel for 1 month (and 1 week) and the doc says it will take 3 to 4 months for it to "kick in". Well, can you hurry up, cause AS is kicking my "AS"! So, I'm having more of the "bad" days right now, but such as life with AS. Just have to get through these next couple of months praying the enbrel with "kick in". We've added flexiril....I'm sooo over adding more pills/drugs! But, it's finding the right combination that will work for the pain and manage the disease. So I guess--"this is life"! I've come to really dread Thursdays....why?....well, it's the day that I have "selected" to be my "sick" day! Some Thursdays are good and some bad, just depends on the i...