$1000.00 first place winner--REALLY?!

So last blog I informed you of a feeling that has popped in my mind a time or two about how I wish "people" would just understand or at least try. For those that read....pretty much seems we ALL (all us ASers) feel the same. I only had one person that didn't agree--how'd that happen?! Only 1! Wondering what the blog was about...it's still there so just read on! And yes, I still feel the same way. And glad I wrote it.

Which leads me to believe that we all need to speak out! We need to say what we're feeling and we need sooo much for "people" to get educated on what ankylosing spondylitis (AS) truly is! And NOT feel sorry for us. I still wish folks would stop with the little comments--but, I do know they are just trying. I also, know that those that ask how I am and those that are praying for me daily--I'm thankful for all of you!

So with that the spondylitis.org (plug there) organization asked us to submit videos...those of us with AS know that would actually mean feeling good enough to actually put something together. The only thing that gave me the "feel good inspiration" was the winner gets $1000.00. Now, let me clarify for those of you "people" that automatically think whohooo shopping spree. While I'd love nothing more than to be able to spend that $1000 on hmmmmm--shoes that don't hurt my feet, pants that don't hurt my hips, and a bra that doesn't hurt my back and ribs...that's not what I'm hoping for the $1,000! It's a $1000 towards co-pays!! Can you say YEA! I just LOL'd! Literally LOL! Only an AS sufferer would be happy for $1000.00 towards medical co-pays! So, here you go and yes, I need you to go and vote for me www.spondylitis.org please and thank you.

It's really bad when you have 2 topics you'd like to blog about today, but I know that reading blogs you like 'em short (or maybe that's just me)....so guess I'll have to blog on other topic next! Cause I realllllllyyyyy want to win the $1000.00 in "medical money" and need you to go watch the video and vote on the spondylitis. org page! Hey and why you're at it, look around the page. Can you believe that there are 2.4 MILLION PEOPLE with spondylitis??!!! Yes, that's correct. So, why don't we know about it? Education and knowledge--that's why! just spell checked and spondylitis is not in the dictionary... :( KNOWLEDGE IS KEY!

AS has my body, but NOT me! STAND TALL FRIENDS!


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