weathering the storms...
Hurricanes, earthquakes--- well, not exactly it's called ankylosing spondylitis! That's my storm I'm living in and through. While storms generally come and go they sometimes leave a "mess" that can be cleaned, my storm has made landfall and keeps churning! If only it would pass and let me clean up the mess. I'm worried that the mess it's continually spawning on my body will leave severe long term damage for my future.
Those of us who have ankylosing spondylitis only wish there were planes flying in to evaluate this disease---knowledge and research is sooo needed. Even finding doctors who "truly" know AS can be hard! There aren't many medications for those to weather this storm! We don't want to "mask" it! We want to defeat it!
We can't even prepare for this storm that's causing havoc on our bodies. There's no evacuation and boarding's every minute of EVERY day that we stand in 200 mph winds holding...