Let Fall begin

Even though we're all back to school and routines, life with ankylosing spondylitis doesn't end.  A thought, wouldn't it be great if we got a summer break! ha!  I'm still waiting on that "remission"...which I don't know of anyone ever in.  Truly the only reason I love "back to school" is because that means it's college football time!   

Even the pups love some football.  This is my sweet english bully, Bailey cheering on her DAWGS while my daughters cutie, Kovu cheers for his team, the JACKETS.  My daugthers BF starts for them--when you're watching TECH he's #63!

Off topic--This year we have some folks calling us "traders".  We are HUGE Georgia Bulldawg fans..always have been, but this year...this year especially, we'll be cheering on Georgia Tech just as hard!  Thing is, those that call us traders, they don't have the connections like we currently do!  Do you personally know folks on the team you cheer for.  I'm not talking about a kid from the "local" high school who ended up somewhere.  I'm talking about knowing them personally.  There's a huge difference folks.  So, why would we do anything else but cheer for the boys that actually mean something to us.  Until you've feed them, had them at your house and welcomed them to you family, you have no idea!

and yes, now tieing it together--Kind of like AS, until it's affected your family--you truly have NO idea!  So, currently it's being suggested that I have another spinal injection--and when you come you'll need to pay approx. 600.00.  I mentioned that in my last post.  Yes, I've cancelled that appointment for now.  My new "thing" is that they'd like to do an MRI of the brain.  Yes, I've also cancelled that appointment as well.  Remember my first sentence...it's back to school?, well I'm currently writing checks right and left for that and as I also mentioned in the last post, being sick is EXPENSIVE!  Even with insurance (which I am thankful to have) I don't know that you get the care you need.  Once I called to check on an MRI and I called a couple of places for pricing and I got different quotes with and without insurance (the quote with insurance was more!!) and it was different pricing.  I don't understand why we live in a country where this takes place.  Totally another topic for another day!

So, for now--it's back to school--my baby is a SENIOR!  Can't believe that one either!  I'll just keep trying to manage my disease and the financial aspect of it as well.  Yes, that means some times health needs don't come first.  I'm going to enjoy this school year taking in all the "lasts" for my sweet Laney--and--I'm going to enjoy this school year with my sweet Aria, who is also a senior-a senior in college!!!  AS will not stop me from being mom. 

I know for some with chronic diseases they will let the disease take over more than their body--for me--I strive daily to not let that be the case!  I truly believe that "state of mind" is VERY important.  Staying positive even though you're in excruciating pain can be difficult, but I believe it's the best medicine!

AS has my body, but NOT me!


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