Do you really want to help?

first off--starting with some facts!

-50 MILLION AMERICANS have an auto-immune disease, yet only about 17% can name one
-There are 100 different auto-immune diseases (sooo many)
-Auto immune diseases are in the TOP killers of females UNDER 65!
-There's a higher risk of getting an auto-immune disease if your mom and grandmom have one--yes, they are hereditary!
-There is NO CURE! 
-This is my life--my future--

another important fact--my "arthritis" is not the same as just "arthritis"--it's not I'm getting older and everyone gets it.  I have an auto-immune type--which means my body is destroying itself from the inside out! 

OK--now to the topic of help.  In my many waking hours because of my excruciating pain, I've been thinking a LOT on the topic of help.  Many folks offer or seemed concerned.  I'm sure I'm not the only person that thinks this way, but I'm not really gonna "ask" someone to do something.  Maybe it's the southerner in me or the stubbornness?!  I've also learned of a couple of friends struggling with "things" because of their illness and I thought--what could really help.  I've learned of someone having a hard time just "paying bills".  I sooo get this!  When you throw in medical bills and doctor visits, it truly starts to add up!   I know my last visit to Dr he told me I need shoulder surgery and possibly even neck/back--I'm like, well, whatever you need to do, do it by April 1st of next year because I've met my deductible--he said well, ok!  Then I got to thinking one way to help someone is pay their deductible--my husbands work pays some of ours and I am SOO thankful for them doing this for us!!!!  What about paying someones medical bill--or procedure--my mom did this for me and I'm soooo thankful!!!!  What about paying someones power bill-yea, just go call the place and pay it!  They'll let you!  And don't call and say "can I"--if they're like me, they'll say I'm fine--call and say "I AM"!  Let me quickly say, this is not about me--haha!  It was just thoughts I have.  Especially since we've seen a lot of folks "wearing pink"...I got to thinking yea, it's easy to wear pink, but what could you really do.  Oh, and FYI--my color is blue! 

Before I end--let me add 2 other things--pray for those you know who are suffering with illness! 

My blunt 2nd request--if you ask how they are don't "tune out"--this one does apply to me--I get so tired of folks asking what it is that I have or how I am and then when I start to "truly tell" them--the blank stare--so annoying.  Just don't ask me!  Unless you really care to understand that there is NO CURE!  I might not "look sick"--whatever that "sick look" is--but I am.  It's not fun.  It's no joke. 

AS has my body, but NOT me!


  1. Thanks for your very powerful post. You've got me thinking in a different way today. I'm a mom with AS too but I tend to just be mom most days. I need to think of what I can ask my family to really do to help me out. They want to, they just need some direction. Thanks!


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