To complain or not complain....

I really can't stand those folks who seem to complain about every LITTLE thing! I have even been heard telling teens (mine included) you're a bunch of spoiled brats. We have so much to be thankful for everyday. So, why not spend a week starting the day saying something you're thankful for! Just one thing-- if it's hard..start slowly.

-I'm thankful for my husband-who provides for me. Who tries his best to make it easy for me and who I love very much.

-I'm thankful for my girls-who are doing their best in reaching their goals. Who have goals for their lives and aren't just lazy.

-I'm thankful for my family and friends!

What are you thankful for...think...right now! We have so much, that we sometimes forget how blessed we are even when you live in chronic pain. Don't let the pain take away the thoughts of all the good in our/your lives!

So, I have this chronic disease one that I must live with my ENTIRE LIFE! One that's NOT CURABLE! My complaints right now would be to those who don't want to "really" find out what AS is. And I just love hearing this....

-you like fine

um of course I do.

-does your back hurt

yes, actually at the moment I feel like there is a knife inserted in my lower spine, could you get it out for me? And my ankles are hurting so bad that every step sends chills down my spine, which causes my spine to hurt worse! I could keep going with this forEVER.

-you're on chemo

yes, I am.

-how long


-what about the side-affects from these drugs

Like the hand fulls of hair that I have after I wash my hair...that my liver may shut down...what exactly would you like for me to do? Say?

Enough of that cause this post would be too long! People, it's called ankylosing spondilitis. Please google it! Look at this great page

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You can actually learn so much from reading about AS and the folks who have it!

Spent the last few weeks planning a graduation party, attending and celebrating the fact that I now have a high school grad and after the last 2 days at college orientation...I have an officially registered college student! Talk about fighting through pain...try walking around a HUGE college campus for 2 days!

So, now I can rest and recover...not so much! The next 3 weeks will be spent directing the musical "13" --rehearsals and shows! And on top of that, making sure my youngest gets to her Broadway camp daily--she'll have a full day too rehearsals for 2 huge events! BDF and "13".

With that said, you see I do have AS. I do live with chronic pain--sometimes it's excruciating but I'm NOT going to let this disease defeat me!

Don't let "things" get you down. LIVE and try not complaining! Be THANKFUL even if at times you want to scream. And sometimes GO SCREAM! But NEVER give in to a "thing".....don't stop..keep going no matter how bad it hurts!
Now, off to give myself my Humira injection....till next time! Be Thankful no matter how bad it hurts. Sometimes just thinking positive can help!!!!!


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey with AS...I was just recently favorite comment is you don't look like anything is wrong with you...mission accomplished as I don't want to have to talk about it with everyone I see!! Your blogs are amazing!!
    Mikki Deschamps


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