AS, Beach and sun???!!!

Last night was spent waking to pain through out the night. Pain in the shoulder..then pain in the hip! I think the reason AS folks are soo tired is because we're "not so much" on a night of 8 hours of sleep. Now, that would be something to scream about! Packing for the beach is not an easy task would think it would be the same as without AS...but not so much!

I am excited to actually do nothing..not worry about anything and just sit and enjoy the sand, sun and the sound of the ocean. So, when you're on methotrexate and not supposed to be in the sun...are you supposed to vacation in Forks (I have teenaged daughters so if you don't know why I put that..go ask a teenage girl or the mom of one)??

Speaking of methotrexate....Fridays of course are "that shot" day and it always leaves me soo sick to the tummy for a few hours. Joys!

Decided that I'd let the hubby inject the B-12 in the right "cheek" this go round. Being left handed limits to the left side...hence a few too many bruises and I'm thinking that the left side of my rear is asking for a break.

Back to the whole packing for a vacation with AS.....I feel like a 90 year old women with all the meds I have to take. And let's not forget that humira MUST stay refrigerated---so thankful for them sending me the nice little travel pack. Maybe if they saved on some of those type give-aways and the ridiculous way they ship the med it wouldn't cost 1500.00 (for 2 shots)!! Oh, yea..that's not a typo. So thankful I have insurance! And soooo hoping that the "new healthcare" will not mess me up--which it just may. I'm thinking that it's really great having a president that smokes telling us about healthcare!!!!!

Does anyone have ever feel like there's this little bug crawling around in your ear? And the pain is sharp--is this yet another symtom of AS? I wonder. Of course hubby says I probably just need to flush the was out....really?!

Sunscreen check
Methotrexate and shot check
B-12 and shot check
Humira injection check
Folic Acid check
advil check
pain meds...leaving them at home! I refuse to take them..home or vacation

Living with AS.....and the story goes on!


  1. I think you are truly an awesome woman. Seeing you at church making directing and singing look so easy and joyful. I never knew you were in so much pain until I started reading your blog. I am blessed by your dedication and the love you have.

  2. Hello! I happened to mention AS in a tweet and bam..I'm being followed by Well, I decided to read their tweets and found the link to you. Your comments strike home for me but the one that made me write to you is the "bug in the ear" thing. ME TOO!!!! I have asked the dr so many times about my ears and he says they are fine. No they are not!! Especially at nite, my ears itch. The flaking inside the ears is one thing, but the itching ~bug feeling~ is just about driving me nuts.

  3. Mary Ellen---So glad I'm not crazy! I've got a visit to Doctor on Tuesday and I'm asking! I will keep you posted as to what she says! There is a bug in my ear--I feel it and it hurts! Must be that AS bug! I don't have's a something crawling around in their! And it's painful at times! Interesting that you have this too.

    Thank you Nina!

  4. Mel,
    Just checking in to see if your doctor had anything to say about "the ears". I had surgery a week ago this Monday and I've been out of it what with pain and morphine. My left shoulder was just about torn all the way thru and thankfully the surgeon was able to recover the tendons and get them back into place with some serious Home Depot looking anchors! Hope your visit with the Doc gave you the answers you were looking for.


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